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Photographic Memories

A message from Jimmy Thomson reminds me that I have not added to the series from some time ago where readers sent in photographs of times that reminded them of jazz-related events. That page became long and needs to be updated so I have made a start (here). If you have a photograph that tells a story, please let us know so that we can share it. Jimmy writes of the photograph below: "This is me with Acker Bilk in 1959 - Ian Richardson is in corner. I last saw Acker in 1999.; he was having lip problems, but he always remembered me over the years. At that concert he allowed me to blow his horn. He was with Scott Hamilton at Dundee Rep. He told me he was painting watercolours. All that from my first encounter  in 1959 at Dundee Palais. I still cherish that memory."


(Scott Hamilton has recently celebrated his 70th birthday by releasing an album Looking Back ).


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Friends Of Barry Gray

Eileen Mann has written asking whether any readers can identify the people in the pictures below. Eileen is helping someone who is writing a biography of composer Barry Gray. Barry was not a jazz musician as such, he composed music for many science fiction series (details here), but his friends were jazz musicians.  Eileen says: "The pictures are from Barry Gray’s home movie shot in his garden in 1958 or earlier. We think number 3 is Stan Roderick. Number 5 might be singer Bill Elliott?".  Does anyone recognise any of the people? 


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Ray Smith

Alan Bond writes that he has been in touch each Christmas with pianist Ray Smith (brother of Chris Barber's bass player, Dick Smith) who is an old friend of Alan's from his days with the Steve Lane band, but Alan was unable to make contact with Ray this year. Alan wonders whether any other readers are in touch with Ray?

Bill Brunskill

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Our thanks to Marcus Holt who writes to tell us that the 1984 documentary Whatever Happened To Bill Brunskill is now available on YouTube here. At just under an hour long, George Melly narrates this film about trumpet/cornet player Bill Brunskill. You will also find an article for Sandy Brown Jazz by Don Coe about Bill Brunskill here.

AI and Copyright

Chris Hodgkins writes that musicians' (and others') intellectual property rights "are at risk of being undermined to the benefit of generative artificial intelligence (AI) companies." Chris points out that consultation is currently taking place - until the 25th February and urges people to write to their MP on the issue. "The creative industries thrive on the power of imaginative minds to tell stories through music, film, imagery and art, all underpinned by copyright protections. However, certain generative AI developers are calling on the UK government to weaken copyright protections, threatening creatives’ livelihoods" Chris says. Information on the issue is in a briefing paper from UK Music here and a statement from PRS For Music here.

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The Family Hall

Our 'Jazz Remembered' feature about trumpeter Albert Hall (here) mentioned that Albert's family were / are very involved in music, his brother Cliff playing piano with The Shadows, for example. Amanda Hall has seen the article and writes about another of Albert's brothers, her father, Henry: "Hello I was reading your article on Albert Hall Remembered and his brothers. My father was Henry Hall who sadly passed in 2011 he was a trumpet player and played the tenor horn in the British Airways Band for many years. Henry was also a trumpet player in the The Royal Airforce Western Band and he played in the Queens 1953 Coronation. After serving several years in the military he was medically discharged with a severe injury to his leg which affected him for the rest of his life. I miss my dad and uncles a lot. My grandad Gilbert Hall was a musician too and became a music teacher in a school. This was where my dad and his brothers learnt to play in Brass Bands in the 1930s with their father."

Rosetta Howard

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Stephanie Bradford has seen our recent page on vocalist Rosetta Howard (here) and writes that she has come across an old 78rpm record by Rosetta and the Big Three Trio that we write about. It is nice to know that Rosetta's original recordings are still out there.

How To Listen To Jazz - Ten Tips

Our thanks to Tim Rolfe who has written to tell us about this publication from Bob Karcy of Arkadia Records. Their website has a number of different elements and a link to items on YouTube. To download the Ten Tips (free) you need to fill in an online form. Tim has done this and passed me a photocopy of the booklet that looks worth exploring. Take a look at the details here.

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James Reese Europe

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Thanks to clarinettist Alvin Roy who tells us of this YouTube video from Noble Sissle about James Reese Europe who formed the African American army band in World War I and brought a different sound to the American forces. The video (7.39 minutes) is here.

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